Food Intolerances and Allergies

At Sottolestelle we have been working for years to offer the best organic food, all our recipes are dairy and egg free. Over time, always in line with the needs of a constantly evolving market, we have increased the offer of our products to include a range of gluten-free products.

Allergy or Intolerance?

Food intolerances and allergies are an unwanted manifestation resulting from the intake of a food item or component. Although they often cause similar symptoms, the causes of the illness are generated by different mechanisms.

  • Intolerance
  • Food intolerance depends on the body's difficulty in digesting or metabolising a food item and can have several causes (lack of digestive enzymes, alterations in digesting systems, etc.).
  • Allergy
  • Food allergy is caused by an immunological reaction mediated by antibodies.

The Sottolestelle solution

We have created many product lines dedicated to different intolerances or allergies. Our recipes are designed to characterize products obtained without the use of certain ingredients, because everyone should feel free to enjoy food!

Milk and Eggs

In recent years, more and more people have been suffering from hypersensitivity to certain foods, particularly milk and eggs.

For this reason over 10 years ago Sottolestelle decided to produce in a production plant where these allergens are never introduced, in order to ensure their absence and avoid any cross contamination.

All our products are milk and egg-free, but the absence of these ingredients does not affect the taste. Each recipe has a strong identity and is designed to meet the nutritional needs of each person, ensuring the highest standard of quality in all our products.


Gluten is a protein complex present in some cereals, such as wheat, rye, spelt, barley, etc., and in all foods in which these cereals are used. However, nowadays more and more people have started to suffer from allergies or gluten intolerance and we hear about the coeliac disease ever so often.

Sottolestelle's solution to the need to suit everybody’s need for a genuine and healthy diet has resulted in the creation of a new line dedicated to Gluten Free products.
All products in the line are notified to the Ministry of Health: this shows our commitment for transparency and information about our products, to ensure their safety and quality.


Yeasts Free is a line of products obtained without the use of any leavening agent, both natural and chemical.

An alternative created by the fusion of lightness and taste for those with an intolerance to yeasts. Excellent also for those who want to change their diet, avoiding any postprandial swelling due to the gases developed from the fermentation processes.

Over 20 years experience in the production of milk-free and egg-free foods.

Our commitment is to offer the best of organic nutrition in line with the nutritional needs of everyone.

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