All stories start with a passion, our passion is our Mother Earth

A close bond with nature that takes us back to our roots, to our youth memories of games among poppies and the silvery foliage of olive trees; of spicy scents of oregano and capers, camomile and mallow, taste of unripe almonds and olives cooked in the ashes.

In the beautiful Gargano peninsula, 12 km from San Giovanni Rotondo, where our memories belong to, we have started our farm business Sottolestelle, in the open countryside, among olive trees, almond trees and vast fields of cereals. Here we have been using only and exclusively organic farming since 1992.

Organic and genuine food available to all

Our dream of making genuine organic food available to all brought us to start our traditional bakery in 1998 to transform the raw materials in bakery products.

Creation of the new brand

In 2005 the new Sottolestelle brand was designed. We also opened a new dedicated organic bakery, where no eggs, milk and dairy products were employed to ensure the total absence of allergens, which are the cause of many intolerances and allergies.

Our philosophy: respect for the earth

Love for science and nature, the awareness of living in a small dot of the immense cosmic space.
Responsibility to preserve, for future generations, that small and delicate dot.
Our commitment to produce in a sustainable and responsible way, considering food as a source of energy and a means to keep us healthy.

All these values encapsulate the philosophy of Sottolestelle, in which man and the Earth live together in an intimate and respectful way.

Love for the earth and for natural flavours

We are sure that the intense and natural taste of food is obtained only treating the land with love and care, according to the principles of organic farming, to preserve harmony and biodiversity. Hence our choice to offer only the highest quality products. Our products are full of knowledge and flavours deriving from our ancient traditions, now replaced by standardized eating habits.

The mission of Sottolestelle

Sottolestelle is committed to the production of food products of the highest quality, using only organic raw materials with the passion and commitment that have always distinguished us.

Always in line with the needs of a constantly evolving market, over time, we have increased our product range, studying genuine recipes with a strong identity, to meet the nutritional needs of each and every one and ensure the highest quality standards for all our products.

Our Objectives

All this is achieved through sustainable organic farming practices and a rational use of modernity, without ever losing sight of the well-being of the Protagonist without whom nothing would be possible: our Earth.

Respect for the Environment

Respect for Human Beings

Preserving Biodiversity

Creating food awareness

Investing in our Territory

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